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Yukti Botanicals

3-Day Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Package (Bookings Essential)

3-Day Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Package (Bookings Essential)

Regular price $730.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $730.00 AUD
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Our 3-day rejuvenation package is designed to cleanse and strengthen the digestive system, stimulate metabolism, and clear the lymphatic system.

This short program will leave you feeling energized and rejuvenated. This package combines ayurvedic nutrition and herbs selected according to your body-type with luxurious Ayurvedic therapeutic treatments.


45-minute Ayurvedic health assessment

Cleansing manual including daily routines, recipes, and cellular cleansing instructions

Breakfast spice blend

Ayurvedic spice blend to balance your present health

Ayurvedic herbal digestive formula

Ayurvedic cleansing formula

Ayurvedic herbal tea to suit your present health

3x Herbal/mineral detoxifying foot bath

3x Ayurvedic head massage - Shiroabhyanga

3x Dry massage exfoliation - Garshana

3x Ayurvedic reflexology - Padaghata

3x Ayurvedic herbal oil massage Abhyanga

3x Herbal steam bath

Therapy duration - 2 hours per day - $680

​LANGHANA – Ayurvedic cleansing nutritional program

Langhana meaning “to lighten” consists of simple and easy nutritional guidelines and recipes designed to take the pressure off your digestive and metabolic system to support the natural channels of eliminating impurities from your system. Therapeutic spices, juices, teas, and ingredients will be selected based on your Ayurvedic body type and present health to provide you with delicious healthy options to support your cleanse.

SHIROABHYANGA – Ayurvedic head massage

Shiroabhyanga is performed by anointing the head, neck, and shoulders using specific herbalized oils suited to body-type and present health. Marma point therapy (Acupressure) is performed and combined with various massage techniques to relieve accumulated tension and stress.

Shiroabhyanga has been traditionally used to improve hair growth, reduce muscular tension and headaches, improve circulation, and aid in strengthening the sense organs. This blissful experience has also been used to help in reducing nervous tension, anxiety, and irritability.

PADAGHATA – Ayurvedic reflexology

Padaghata also known as Ayurvedic foot reflexology combines the use of various massage strokes, herbalized oils, and Marma (Acupressure) therapy.

This treatment commences with a luxurious warm foot soak consisting of essential oils and detoxifying organic Ayurvedic herbs that relax, soothe, and draw out impurities.

Padaghata has been used in the treatment of various conditions, especially effective in relaxing the nervous system and calming the mind.

GARSHANA – Exfoliation massage

Garshana or “dry massage” is performed by gently exfoliating the skin using silk gloves. This therapy encourages the first stage of detoxification by stimulating circulation and lymphatic drainage.

SNEHAABHYANGA – Oleation massage

Abhyanga is the quintessential traditional therapy at the heart of Ayurvedic physical treatments. This classical rejuvenating and detoxifying massage helps to increase circulation and promote lymphatic drainage.

Luxurious warmed traditional herbalized oils are carefully selected to suit your present health and mind-body type to maximize the therapeutic benefits and preserve youthfulness.

These oils are massaged into the skin using various techniques to loosen toxins and enhance immune functions leaving the skin soft and supple, and the mind deeply relaxed.

Ayurvedic massage provides a perfect medium for detoxifying, rejuvenating, and relieving stress and tension in both mind and body.

​SVEDANA – Herbal steam bath

This deliciously invigorating treatment consists of exposing the body to traditional herbal-infused steam to encourage further cleansing and detoxification. The head remains cool, the eyes are anointed with aromatic organic rose water-infused eye pads while the body is heated to encourage the elimination of impurities.

This luxurious treatment allows the connective tissue, muscles, and nervous system to further relax and encourages the herbalized oils to penetrate more deeply into the tissues.


Booking times may vary. Please see the appointment times with placing this booking. 

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